Saturday, May 17, 2008

Oh stupid leaders, it's a war, fight it

Jaipur, the beautiful city, best known as pink city, has become red. 70 people were killed on last Tuesday night by the serial blasts.

But for our "secular" leaders, these are just a few more attacks. "We will not get perturbed" they declared. And with that, their responsibility ends.

Unfortunatelely, Indian "secular leaders" regard and treat each end every terrorist attack as a separate, isolated incident. So, they don't get perturbed.

Whether it is in Jaipur, Hyderabad, Bangalore, Delhi, Varanasi, Malegao, Ahmadabad, Coimbatore, Jammu, Kashmir Valley or any other town, jihadi terrorism is intended, aided, abetted, designed, coordinated and well orchestrated by Pakistan. Bangladesh is cooperating with Pak's intelligence wing, ISI. When this is as clear as writing on the wall, why are we failing to fight it?

In fact, it's a declared war against India. War has no stereotypes. It has no predefined and mutually agreed rules. But our foolish (and dhimmi) leaders are not able to understand this.

This is a war, in which we are not participating. Whether you recognize it as a war or not, whether you participate in it to win or not, a war is a war is a war is a war.

India has lost most number of its citizens to jihadi and left terror than all the victims of other countries put together. War by terror is visible everywhere. But there is no "war on terror" in India. Now, you do not need any more tangible evidence to believe that India is soft on terror. It is as clear as a bright sun on the sky.

But WHY? That is what baffles ordinary citizens of this country.

If you study the twentieth century's politics and political history of India with no ideological bias, you will certainly come across two plain facts. One, Indian politicians have succumbed to the ideological onslaught of Islam and Communism. Two, they have completely internalized the sub-human status offered to them by these predatory ideologies. Most of our present generation political leaders are either born with this sub-human defeciency, which has been named as "Dhimmitude" by Egyptian scholar Bat Ye'or, or wedded to dhimmi-hood and happily embraced their sub-human "status".

This is not just vote-bank politics as pointed out by some analysts. Our leaders happily surrender themselves before the jihadi and commie schools of terrorism even when they do not get any votes! This is what dhimmitude is all about. This is dhimmi-attitude, pure and simple. You tend to regard certain ideas and ideologies as your inner master at your sub-conscious level and never think of fighting it.

This has now become an "All India Deficiency Syndrome". There should be no surprise when terrorists of two schools called Jihad and Naxalism often get reluctant, unorganized, non-coordinated, half-hearted "opposition" from our governments.

M.F. Husain, a self-exiled Islamist painter, who loves to humiliate Hindus with brush and paint is our "icon". Taslima Nasrin, a Bangladeshi Muslim woman-writer, who opposes Islam's anti-woman and anti-human tendencies, "does not deserve to live in India". She had be incarcerated in the name of security coverage till she became seriously ill. Then she had to move out of India just to experience what easy-breathing is all about!

India is the only country in the whole world which "tolerates" terrorism with "superb restraint". This is not a quality, but a weakness.

What has befallen you, Mother-India? What have you done to get unworthy sub-humans as your progeny?

With these" leaders" around, Jaipur is bound to recur. Cry, my countrymen, cry.

(c) G. Anil Kumar 2008

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Thursday, May 15, 2008

"Extraterrestrial brothers" (or "sons") waiting for the Pope?!

Here's an interesting news:

"Vatican City, May 14: The Vatican’s chief astronomer says there is no conflict between believing in God and in the possibility of "extraterrestrial brothers" perhaps more evolved than humans. "In my opinion this possibility (of life on other planets) exists," said Rev. Jose Gabriel Funes, a 45-year-old Jesuit priest who is head of the Vatican Observatory and a scientific adviser to Pope Benedict XVI.

"How can we exclude that life has developed elsewhere," he told the Vatican newspaper L’Osservatore Romano in an interview in its Tuesday-Wednesday edition, explaining that the large number of galaxies with their own planets made this possible. Asked if he was referring to beings similar to humans or even more evolved than humans, he said: "Certainly, in a universe this big you can’t exclude this hypothesis."

In this context, I want to put some interesting questions to the "learned" scientific adviser to the pope and to the pope himself (or, should I write "Himself"?) !

1. Do these "extraterrestrial brothers" also believe the holy trinity and the church?

2. Has the "only son of God " went to different galaxies too, to perform his (or His) duty "of dying for their sins"?

3. How come the holy bible doesn't mention the universe as so big? or is it meant for the humble earth-citizens only?

4. Is their any possibility of sending the missionaries and the "holy pope" of course, to plant the cross across all the worlds as and when they become "known worlds"?

5. What if these "new worlds" have already got their own popes by the time they become known to us by the same God and His same only son? Is our pope satisfied with his jurisdiction then? What happens to his claim of being the Vicar of Christ then? Or does he want to become the "grand pope" of all the worlds to retain his title and, of course, rights and privileges?

Let the "good" adviser or his master answer!

(c) G. Anil Kumar

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