Sunday, December 14, 2008

Catholic-Secular Forum (CSF) In Panic Mode

“How would we react, if fundamentalists attacked Christians again (during) this Christmas?”

Thus begins a pamphlet, published and circulated recently by The Catholic-Secular Forum (CSF).

What does CSF mean by “fundamentalists”?

“The terrorists exposed how vulnerable we were & how easy it was to kill hundreds” it says. Does it bothered by Pakistan based Jihadi terrorism? That could be one of its fears. But the CSF has different hints.

“AP, TN, UP, JK, Goa, Kerala, Mumbai, Gujarat, Karnataka, New Delhi, Rajastan, Jharkhand, Madhya Pradesh, Chhattisgarh, Punjab-Haryana, ..these are the places where Christians have been attacked. Dozens of Churches, Chapels, & Crosses were torched & vandalized. Alters, Relics, Bibles, Statues, Blessed Sacrament, etc. were desecrated. Nuns were raped & molested, while priests/pastors/leaders were murdered. Christian land/resources were captured. Women and children were not spared...” the pamphlet goes on and on.

Although a Orissa nun, who has complained that some Hindu activists have raped her, is not co-operating with investigative agencies, and also has failed to prove any sexual activity though medical tests, the CSF has put forth her charge as a fact. See how rapes and murders are generalized.

Its conclusion: Christians are being persecuted in India by Hindu organizations.

Next focus is on media. “The media of course will give publicity. Christians should be able to manage that well….” It goes on. "But that is not enough. We have to go back to our own places. And everything will be repeated again”.

Then, what is the solution?

“Maoists have warned the RSS/VHP against Christmas bandhs” the pamphlet informs. 'But that development may lead to another mayhem", it suspects. See how Maoists were invoked! What CSF has to do with Maoists?

Recent media reports indicate Maoist-Missionary nexus in Orissa. Is CSF also a party in this arrangement?

"According to Vatican sources, Muslims outnumbered Catholics in the world and churches are converted into mosques", it says. In India, Hindus are persecuting Catholics and all over the world Muslims are overwhelming them, it informs.

So, what needs to be done to counter all this?

The CSF has devised a plan. “There has been a great interaction between India’s Christian Who’s Who and some community leaders met in Mumbai recently to brain-storm….We concluded that the desperate need of the hour is a national, activist, all inclusive (all denominations) and representative mechanism or structure was a must to meet the Goliaths ahead…This is to empower Christians economically and politically….We decided no turning back…Our initiative includes data bank, a think tank, corpus fund, political lobbying, networking for self-sufficiency” etc.

That means more Christian activism in the coming days; more aggressive conversion plans to compete with the growing number of Muslims; more clever media management; more political lobbying. More reliance on Maoists and other terrorists to meet its ends.

“We aim to have by next year, a grand federation of every Christian hue & shade. Thousands of Christian churches, organizations, institutions, activists, NGOs, etc. with no discrimination on the basis of Denomination - Protestant, Evangelical, Catholic, Region, Clergy, Laity, Rite – truly the body of Christ in the country.

See how CSF is in panic mode. See how fear-psychosis is being created. See how there is no introspection about religious conversion, which is the root cause of any inter-religious tension.

Indirectly, more conversions are guaranteed. “It’s the Lord’s work. And by His Spirit, success is guaranteed” the CSF screams!

(C) G. ANIL KUMAR 2008.

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