Thursday, December 4, 2008

Let us welcome the elite to mainstream!

At last, India gets the support of the elite. But, unfortunately, after it got hit directly.

Till the attack on Mumbai’s five star hotels on 26/11/2008, India’s elite, with some exceptions, had kept itself away from the issue or problem of “jihadi terrorism”.

“Terrorism” was not present in our business persons’ drawing room menu. If anybody had uttered the very word “terrorism” with seriousness in any business or kitty parties, he or she would be looked upon as a “crude, unsophisticated, middle-class” person, who was not fit to attend parties of “high society”.

This is not to vilify our own people. But the glaring truth was that Indian elite always thought terrorism as not “its” problem.

When Mumbai’s local trains were bombed in July 2006 nobody of any financial worth has come out of his/her bungalow. No business leader has condemned the violence. No Bollywood actor mourned the death of innocents with candles in his/her hand. As Shobha De pointed out in Tehelka, corporate India had taped its mouth and refused to comment on that dastardly attack on the commercial heart of our country. No single captain of industry spoke out against the government's failure to ensure safety.

What has happened has happened. Now when directly hit by the terrorists our elite has woken up. Now every big and small person of any significance, is speaking against terror. Everyone is demanding action from the government. This is a good development. Let us hope this unity of all Indian citizens lasts long. Let us hope our sense of oneness lasts forever.

First, let us welcome the elite to the national mainstream.

(C) G. ANIL KUMAR 2008.

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1 comment:

  1. Really fine article.I hope jurnalists like Anil Kumar are there in the country to show that jurnalism is still alive.I congratulate you for this artille
